Well, the colours are bright, but because they are quite old - we estimated 50 years - the smell is of musty fusty dampness.
But I was determined to use them . . .
I tried washing them in Persil and vinegar . . . no change.
Our neighbour offered some Febreze - I used so much that I finished his bottle.
What actually did the trick was the Ariel powder that this same neighbour contributed.
Now a piece of the pink fabric is well on the way to being the piping round a new cushion cover I am making.
However when we went to Sainsbury's this morning I got some more Febreze to return to him. I chose this particular perfume as I have just finished reading a book about New Zealand - The Colour by Rose Tremain (a good read).
Unfortunately the lid wasn't screwed on tightly enough and it leaked all over our shopping on the conveyor belt! The customer service was great - one of them mopped it all up, another dashed round the store replacing all our damaged purchases . . . then they apologised for keeping us waiting!
I tell you, we were glad of our coffee after all that, especially as I'd had another early breakfast with Evie!