Sunday, October 13, 2013

Creations in the last few months

The cushions are for home, the scissors holder for Evie's birthday, the cardigan for Alyssa and the silver bags for the two little bridesmaids.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A few more photos from Dover Castle

When I came round the corner and saw this view, I thought I was in southern Europe. The red tiles I think. 

 Its a trebuchet! or a replica since it was used in the middle ages to catapult rocks into fortified castles.
 I liked this view as well. Its from one of the mediaeval tunnels - and looks out onto the moat I think. Can you see any of the strange sheep grazing there?
The autumn leaves on the grass caught my eye. They reminded me of the yellow planta genista (broom) sprig which the Plantagenet kings wore in their caps. Perhaps even when they built this interesting castle!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dover Castle

I can't believe how many times I have been to France from Dover and never been in the castle before.
I suppose we had the long journey back to Scotland to think about.
Before we got to where I took this first photo we had already been in one of the underground tunnels. The one we went in was used as a hospital during World War Two. I'm glad I had Charis's hand to hold - it was scary when the sound effects started . . . the air raid siren, the bomb, the surgeon's voice as he prepared to operate on a Mosquito pilot - as we stood round an empty operating table!'
This was the innermost highest part.

Lots of hands on stuff

The throne room.

The peregrine falcon waiting to swoop on the meat . .

Fish and chips - the grand finale - eaten while watching the ferries depart, and wishing we were on them!
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