Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas and the following days

Several people have asked me what I would be doing on Christmas Day - so here are the details.

On Monday, we will be joined by Heather and Alberto, Alyssa, Charis and Joel. Malcolm will also be here. Alistair has gone home to Suffolk to spend the holiday with Julie and James. Evie  and Andrew, along with Dessi and Indiana have  gone to Wiltshire to spend a week with Andrew's parents.
It will be church in the morning followed by Christmas Dinner and present opening in the afternoon.  Later there will be performances by those who can sing or dance or recite poetry, and some games Tea will be bread and butter and Christmas Cake which Alyssa has been completely responsible for.
Heather and Brian will see to the cooking and Alberto will , hopefully, make the most delicious gravy.
For New Year , the Erulins will be going to France and Brian and I will be going to south London to take Andrew and Evie out somewhere ( children too)
But on Friday 29th we will have both Heather and Evie with their husbands and children, and Malcolm. I will cook potato pie - a favourite of my mother and grandmother and now my children .
In between I intend to pay a visit to a museum or a gallery, a cinema and a certain art shop . . . all that may or may not transpire!