Sunday, March 28, 2010

Leigh on Sea.

A day out with the girls is not something I do often. It was supposed to be a baby shower - but really we just had a lovely meal and a good laugh! Not forgetting the lovely cake for afternoon tea before we got the train home.

This is the part of the view from the restaurant. The water in the distance is the River Thames.

We had a (very) short stroll after lunch. Sorry you're not in this photo, Heather . You must have taken it. Thats why its such a nice one.

As we left, the weather was picking up.I once heard an art gallery guide say that Constable often had a little touch of red in his paintings. It works for photos as well.
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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Apple blossom and geraniums

Out of the whole of Heather's garden I think this might be my favourite branch! I love that lichen - and now the branch has these buds on it.
Heather, you asked me recently if a certain flower was a geranium . At last I found a photo of one from your balcony at Archway. Do you remember those tiles!
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Joel is 2 yrs old

The first cake was at Grandma and Grandpa's house with a blue cake. NO pink I was told!

The second one was at his toddler club. Just after this they took his cake away to cut up for all the children and he looked so surprised and puzzled. However I can only put 4 photos up at a time - anyone know a way round this?

Here he is being a real 2 year old, making a muddy cup of tea. That red duvet cover is perfect for photographs. It was so nice to see the washing out - and do you see the deckchairs out as well. I was beginning to feel I'd never sit in the garden again!
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Apple Laptops.

This week, a contestant in The Weakest Link was asked by Ms Robinson, 'What have you achieved in life?'
'Well,' she replied, ' I have bought myself an Apple laptop.'
What do you think, is that a major life achievement?

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Apple Shop

Last week I found myself at a bus stop on Regent Street in London, opposite the Apple shop. Two of my children have bought their laptops here. One of them arrived to find a pipe band performing in this area. He kindly phoned me - mobile to mobile - to let me enjoy the sound of the pipes. The last two photos are where I was at that moment!

I wonder what this building was in its former life - and why all these paintings are there?

I think it was Loch Long to the north of Dunoon.
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Beautiful Silk

This is a piece of fabric my friend Marion J brought me as a present from her trip to Hong Kong en route for Australia.So far I am only taking it out to admire - and stroke it. What would you do with it?

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ballet Recital

Last Sunday I went across London to see my granddaughters perform. Due to the Olympic site preparations it took me rather a long time nearly 3 hours. First the hair had to be moussed and plaited and pinned up and sprayed...

This was during the interval to get her used to the view from the stage.

Cass Cass excelled at the free style dancing - she's in the middle at the back, in white.

I was thrilled to see how Lissa Lou held herself so straight and listened to the music. She is 3rd from the left and Cass Cass and her BF are behind. Lissa's BF is 2nd from the left. There were girls from 3 - 15 years on stage and I suddenly remembered how lovely it is to watch the disciplined movements of ballet.
At one point Lissa Lou whispered to me that it was a bit like sign language and I thought 'wow! at 6yrs old she's worked out for herself what ballet is about.'
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