Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ballet Recital

Last Sunday I went across London to see my granddaughters perform. Due to the Olympic site preparations it took me rather a long time nearly 3 hours. First the hair had to be moussed and plaited and pinned up and sprayed...

This was during the interval to get her used to the view from the stage.

Cass Cass excelled at the free style dancing - she's in the middle at the back, in white.

I was thrilled to see how Lissa Lou held herself so straight and listened to the music. She is 3rd from the left and Cass Cass and her BF are behind. Lissa's BF is 2nd from the left. There were girls from 3 - 15 years on stage and I suddenly remembered how lovely it is to watch the disciplined movements of ballet.
At one point Lissa Lou whispered to me that it was a bit like sign language and I thought 'wow! at 6yrs old she's worked out for herself what ballet is about.'
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1 comment:

Lynz said...

I love watching the ballet but there's something very special about little girls dancing, I think. Particularly when you are related to them! And that was quite some wisdom from Lissa Lou!