Saturday, May 1, 2010

MayDay on Hampstead Heath

My swing photos have definitely improved over the last 4 years! Iused to take endless pictures of Lissa Lou on the swing and she'd hardly appear in any of them!! This one is of Casscass learning to get herself going.

Picnic time
With a BF

and on top of Parliament Hill, a real live(?) May Pole!
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Becky said...

What lovely photos - you look like you were all having fun - lucky it wasn't today in the pouring rain!

SeasideKaren said...

What a gorgeous day you all had Juliet, swinging in the sunshine is a guaranteed recipe for happiness! I only wish they made swings a bit wider, don't the park planners realise that we still love to swing too?!

Missus Wookie said...

Definitely looks warmer and sunnier than today was in London. So nice to have everyone together.