Saturday, June 27, 2009

It didn't happen!!

We sat out in the garden for the whole afternoon. eventually it was 'cup of tea' time and getting a little dull, so in we went.
Eventually the wind got up, the sky got darker and down came the rain. Rain? no, it was hail stones! At the end of June! Hitting the kitchen window hard enough to break it! Thunder and lightening too.
Then we put on the TV to watch Murray playing 'the young Serb' at Wimbledon.
To be honest we put it on to see the new roof close - and it didn't happen! Where did the bad weather go between here and Wimbledon?
So we didn't see the roof close, but at least Murray won.
They say you can't have everything!
The other funny thing today was Borders playing 'Santa Claus is coming to town' . You probably guessed - it was Michael Jackson singing.
RIP Michael - thanks for all the music.
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