Sunday, March 28, 2010

Leigh on Sea.

A day out with the girls is not something I do often. It was supposed to be a baby shower - but really we just had a lovely meal and a good laugh! Not forgetting the lovely cake for afternoon tea before we got the train home.

This is the part of the view from the restaurant. The water in the distance is the River Thames.

We had a (very) short stroll after lunch. Sorry you're not in this photo, Heather . You must have taken it. Thats why its such a nice one.

As we left, the weather was picking up.I once heard an art gallery guide say that Constable often had a little touch of red in his paintings. It works for photos as well.
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1 comment:

Hevs said...

No photos of the meal? It was most delicious and posh-looking! I love the bit of red!