Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are they all there?

Every Thursday morning I go to the nursery in Lissa's school to read stories to the children. As I left today I said to one of the staff how much I'd enjoyed the trip to the Zoo earlier this week. She told me that one of the fathers had told her that a friend of a friend had a child ( in a different school), who on the way home from the zoo had sat on the coach hunched with his coat buttoned up and his head bowed. On arriving home, without saying a word, he rushed upstairs and started running a bath. His mother, increasingly suspicious that something was going on, went up to see what was happening. There, splashing in the water, was a penguin from the zoo!!

As I signed out of the school I said to the receptionist and another woman standing at the desk, that I had just heard an amazing story and related it to them. They burst out laughing - loudly - and assured me that it was an urban myth. Oh well.

On the way home I met a neighbour who told me I had been speaking to the head teacher!


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