These are the photos I used and this is where the story starts.
When the little girl was born, Grandma's good friend, Verona, came to visit.
She brought a present. It was a little white fluffy dog.
Verona's daughters were friends of the little girl's mother.
The little dog had a label that said his name was Hamish, but the little girl couldn't say that name so she called him Hamy.
Hamy went everywhere with the little girl. Here he is
The little girl liked to take him to bed and hold him
when she sucked her thumb.
This is in the new house before the new beds came.
Grandma took this photo in June 2012. Hamy is
wearing the little girl's Diamond Jubilee sun glasses.
The little girl is now eight years old.
Last week she sat up straight and said to Grandma, " Do you know what Grandma, Hamy doesn't belong to me!" Grandma was very surprised and wondered what she was talking about. Of course Hamy belongs to the little girl - he's been everywhere with her, for all her life.
"No", the little girl continued, " Mummy told me that God gave Hamy to me to look after. I am Hamy's steward."
Grandma realised that this is what the Bible says in Psalm 24.1
' The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it.'
This made me think about the possessions of which I am very fond - my promarkers, my camera, even my London freedom pass. They all belong to God. I am the steward. That means I have to look after them and use them wisely to do good things to help people.
We finished the all age time by saying together the prayer that comes at the end of our service every week.
Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory , the splendour and the majesty;
for everything in heaven, and on earth is yours.
All things come from you, and of your own do we give you.
Lord Jesus Christ, for our sake you became poor.
We offer our lives and our gifts to enrich the life of your world.
Now unto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore.
Two notes: The baby in the first picture is not the little girl, its her sister. I couldn't find one of the little girl with Verona.
Its not the same Hamy in every picture! He kept getting lost, and Grandpa bought six or seven in the card shop! We thought there was one left, but so far haven't found it.
Ah, how delightful! I didnt even recognise CassCass! I do have a photo of Verona giving LissaLou Hamy though. I loved that your Freedom Pass came on your list, I would also add my little notebook like yours that is full of thoughts and things!
Oh yes, that was a very limited list. It would include the computer, my phone, my sharp knife, my potato peeler. The sewing machine, scrapbook stuff etc etc.!!
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