Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making a skirt - part 4

 This is the first turning up of the hem. I will turn it up again to hide the raw edge, press it,  pin it and then sew it by hand. I generally only tack if I am going to machine sew it.

Two things here: this is the waist before it was turned over. Notice the two sides were  marginally different lengths. This is why you need to match up these little nicks.
The pattern directions suggested sewing down the the seam allowance so that when you get to the stage of putting the elastic in, it doesn't get entangled in the seam turnover, rather passes through easily.
No photos of the elastic going in so will have to do that on the next skirt.

Here is CassCass modelling the skirt which was meant for LissaLou - but turned out not to be long enough.  LissaLou now has her own skirt - exactly the same, but a bit longer.
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