Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tales from Grandma's Attic.

 This last year my grandchildren have been reading a series of books by Arleta Richardson. They are based around the grandmother recounting stories from her young days to her granddaughter. Very readable, often hilarious. Realising that we all have stories to tell, Alyssa and I decided to start our own book.

We are using this lovely notebook that my dear friend Marion brought back from a visit to her family in Hong Kong.
Alyssa tells me what happened and I write it down.
Sometimes the story is something that happened to me as a child, sometimes its something that has happened to Alyssa and her family. You can read Heather's blog here http://beautysglance.wordpress.com/

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Missus Wookie said...

Oh this is a lovely idea!

Suzan Wood-Young said...

What a great idea! Another reason to hope for grandchildren some day! One thing confused me though...who is Heather?