Friday, January 18, 2013

The beginnings of a quilt

 The day finally arrived when her legs were long enough to use the foot pedal!
First you have to practise, to get the feel of the machine . . .

Then on to sewing the real thing . . .
We cut these strips a few weeks ago, but because of the necessity of concentrating we forgot to take photos!
Since neither of us has ever made a quilt before, we chose a very simple pattern.

 The first strip is completed!
The idea is that the completed quilt will look like a garden - in an impressionistic way . . . the blue is a stream running through the garden and the flowers and grass you can see. There will even be hens pecking around the garden!
After lots of practice on the short seams the long strips will be sewn together.
We were both proud of our work!
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Anonymous said...

This is so exciting, she looks so grown up! I am hoping that one day she will be able to make me the quilt of my dreams!

Anonymous said...

Love it!