Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

At the beginning of July I was 70 years old. Heather and Alberto and Evie arranged a superb barbecue for me in their garden.
They made me a lovely card and decorated all the tables with pretty cloths (mine!) and yellow flowers; the theme was yellow because I like mimosa but its out of season in London in July.

I never had balloons at the gate for my birthday before in my whole life! And if you look closely you can just see the darling little jar of dandelions!

Heather baked a superb 3 layer birthday cake straight out of the pages of Good Housekeeping Magazine. Alberto was in charge of the barbecue and Brian made up a quiz for everyone.
Unfortunately after a traumatic Spring with various problems I actually took ill on this day and so there are not so many photographs as I would have liked. I will try hard to keep up the blog because in spite of the ongoing nature of the problems, they can't be allowed to take over and there have been some silver clouds this last couple of months.
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