Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year - New Beginning

I thought I'd try a weekly summary of my life...

At church - last Sunday it was my turn to lead the service. The sermon was entitled The X Factor - a competition between Paul, Apollo and Peter, based on 1Corinthians chapter1. It was conducted like the real thing, there was even a keypad on the notices sheet which you had to press to register your vote! When interviewed, Paul was not pleased to have won, he was gutted that the church in Corinth had this argument. He was off to write them a letter about it, telling them what he thought!

The best bit came when the vicar confessed he just could not bring himself to include Jesus Christ in such a contest.

Tuesday night was the monthly prayer time when we were greeted by a very welcome cup of hot punch- just the thing on ssuch a cold night.

Wednesday morning I helped at Hippo club - our very popular Toddlers club. I met the mother of someone I taught about 15 years ago so it was nice to catch up.

On Thursday Romeo and I did the cleaning rota. Or the two people who should have been doing it , my friend L has gone to Australia for a holiday, and the other, M, has had to go off on family business.

At the Hospital, on my weely visit to the ward, I met a Jewish lady, a Buddhist lady and a JW one.

People I have seen have included the blind and elderly husband of M. He's on his own while she's away. It never fails to amaze me how he can manage on his own. At one point the water was turned off because of a burst water main. I took him a bottle of water - no need, ' I was ready for it, (the kettle and bottles had been filled), I lived through the war you know'!

I also had a trip to Artbase at Hornchurch with my friend E ( BF's Grandma). I think she might be inspired to start scrapbooking.

On TV I have watched a week long series of a dramatisation of The Diary of Anne Frank.

On the computer I have been working on Photoshop Elements which Evie kindly gave us for Christmas. I have also learned to type letters with an accent.

The weather this week has been really cold with temperatures below freezing. Yesterday out beyond Ilford and Romford the freezing fog was much thicker than here. The lowest temperature overnight was at Aboyne in Aberdeenshire where it was -7.

In the house, the cards are still up and being enjoyed and the glass bowl of baubles is still being admired. We had to put our tree out on Boxing Day - it was completely dried up. In fact the trees on the pavements (awaiting recycling) all seem to be in better condition than ours was at the end.

In the garden a blackbird is hanging around. Everything is droopy and cold looking except two shrubs. One is the viburnum bodnantse Dawn at the bottom of the garden - it is in full bloom, little pink blossomy flowers. The other, at the bottom of the steps, is cornus alba elegantissima. Known as dogwood in the States, it is now resplendant in its winter form of leafless red stems.

I have been reading Witchwood by John Buchan (of The 39 Steps fame) and Whats so amazing about Grace? by Philip Yancy. I heard an interview with him on Premier last week and thought he sounded OK... so raided Evie's bookshelf.

I am looking forward to going to Muswell Hill tomorrow to the Scrapbooking Crop - and hoping we can find away home which will avoid the Arsenal crowds.

1 comment:

Hevs said...

How interesting mum, thanks for this peek into your week! I look forward to seeing the rest in due course. What a creative sermon!