Thursday, October 2, 2014

A little bit of flora and fauna from Arisaig!

These birds were behaving like swallows getting ready to migrate - not swallows tho'!
It would be a great place for birdwatchers - saw plenty I didn't recognise. Also the most sparrows I have seen in ages.
Could this be a heron on the left?

The brambles (blackberries) have been over for weeks in London!

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Can you see the blue scabious in this photo, and orange coltsfoot?

and a little vetchy thing in this one?

and of course, honeysuckle, which has also been over for a few weeks in London.

All these were on the roadside as we climbed up to the station
and when we got there     . . .

the dreaded Japanese knotweed!

and finally Convolvulus arvensis

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