Saturday, October 4, 2014

Birmingham (photos for Malcolm)

Evie had a day's photographic work in Birmingham and asked me if I'd like to accompany her. While she went to the Home for Good conference, I had the day to myself in the city centre.
First on the list was to take some photos for Malcolm:
This is the Oratory in Hagley Road.
When I went in, and sat down, I was quite amazed by the wave of emotion that swept over me. I knelt and prayed for quite a while. I gave thanks for all the good that has come from Catholicism, prayed about the divisions through the centuries, and prayed too for the victims of  different aspects.
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This is Perrott's Folly - quite near the Oratory.  Its thought it may have been the inspiration for The Two Towers  ( sorry Malc, I didn't see the second tower !)

And this is 37 Duchess Rd . . .
The point of these photos is that these places all had some connection to JRRTolkien.

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